Extreme Weather Devastates Crops, Affects 50 Thousand Farmers

By Robin Kumar Attri


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Heavy rains in Vidarbha have damaged the crops of 50 thousand farmers, while other states struggle with insufficient rainfall.

Key Highlights

In many states of the country, heavy rains are causing problems, while in others, a lack of rain is creating issues. This imbalance has led to floods in some areas and droughts in others. Vidarbha is experiencing severe damage due to heavy rains, while states like Jharkhand, Bihar, UP, and Chhattisgarh are facing less-than-average rainfall. More than 50 thousand farmers have been affected by the heavy rains in Vidarbha. The government has started surveying the damage and is expected to announce compensation soon.

Crops Destroyed in 40 Thousand Hectares of Fields

Since July 19, Vidarbha has been receiving continuous rain, causing rivers and streams to overflow and flooding fields. The initial estimates show that around 40 thousand hectares of crops have been submerged, affecting about 50 thousand farmers. The most affected areas include Nagpur, Wardha, Chandrapur, Gadchiroli, Gondia, and Bhandra in the Nagpur Division.

Farmers in Various Districts Suffer Losses

In Nagpur district, crops in about 6,763 hectares have been damaged, affecting approximately 6,650 farmers. Chandrapur district saw the destruction of crops in 11,229 hectares, impacting about 15,525 farmers. In Gadchiroli, crops in 8,277 hectares have been damaged, affecting 9,780 farmers. Gondia experienced damage to 482 hectares of crops, impacting 865 farmers. In Wardha, crops in 4,839 hectares have suffered heavy damage, and in Bhandra, 8,575 hectares of crops have been affected, impacting 16,110 farmers.

Rice and Cotton Cultivation Most Affected

The Vidarbha region is known for its Basmati rice. Apart from rice, farmers here also cultivate cotton, chili, soybean, and vegetables. The heavy rains have damaged these Kharif season crops. Nagpur division has received 134.35 mm more rain than usual, with a total of 682.2 mm compared to the normal 467.6 mm.

Efforts to Provide Relief to Farmers

The monsoon in Vidarbha started late in early July. Since then, heavy rains have damaged crops in many districts. The Agriculture Department's initial assessment indicates significant crop damage. Efforts are ongoing to assess the damage and provide necessary aid to the affected farmers.

Less Rainfall in Other States

From June 1 to July 20, states like Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Odisha, and Bihar have received 20 to 49 percent less rainfall. Jharkhand, in particular, has seen 49 percent less rain. In contrast, Tamil Nadu has received 83 percent more rainfall than average. Overall, the country has seen only a one percent decrease in average rainfall, with the North-West region experiencing a 14 percent decrease and Eastern and Northeast India seeing a 12 percent decrease.

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CMV360 Says

The heavy rains in Vidarbha have severely impacted around 50 thousand farmers, damaging 40 thousand hectares of crops, especially rice and cotton. While efforts are underway to assess and provide relief, other states are grappling with insufficient rainfall, highlighting the need for balanced monsoon patterns across the country.