Bihar Government Offers 75% Subsidy for Onion Storage Construction

By Robin Kumar Attri


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Bihar government offers a 75% subsidy for onion storage, helping farmers manage surplus and secure better prices.

Key Highlights:

The Bihar government is offering a 75% subsidy for the construction of onion storage units to help farmers store their produce effectively. This initiative aims to control onion prices and ensure farmers get fair market prices.

In the 2024-25 crop year, onion production is expected to rise by 19%, reaching 288.77 lakh tonnes. However, with increased production, storage becomes a challenge for farmers. To address this, the government is encouraging farmers to build storage units by providing financial support.

Also Read: Cold Storage Warehouse: Bihar Government Offers 75% Subsidy for Onion Storage Units

Key Details of the Onion Storage Scheme:

How to Apply:

  1. Visit the official website of the Directorate of Horticulture:
  2. Click on the link for “Scheme related to storage structure” and then select the subsidy option for onion storage construction.
  3. Fill in the required details and submit your application.

Important Notes:

This subsidy will help ensure that farmers have better storage facilities for their onions and reduce price instability in the market.

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CMV360 Says

The Bihar government's onion storage subsidy will help farmers manage surplus production, reduce losses, and secure better prices. By offering up to ₹4.5 lakh in financial aid, the scheme ensures proper storage infrastructure. Farmers are encouraged to apply promptly and begin construction to benefit from this initiative.