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Onion Production: A Comprehensive Guide to Onion Farming

By Priya SinghUpdated On: 15-Nov-23 11:39 AM
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ByPriya SinghPriya Singh |Updated On: 15-Nov-23 11:39 AM
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This article will provide insights into onion production and onion farming, types of onion, from choosing the right varieties to harvesting and storage techniques.

Onion is one of the most consumed vegetables in the world. Successful onion production requires careful attention to soil quality, climate conditions, and proper crop management. This guide will provide insights into onion production and onion farming, types of onion, from choosing the right varieties to harvesting and storage techniques.

onion farming and onion production

Onions, a basic ingredient in kitchens, play a pivotal role in enhancing the flavour of dishes. Their versatility and nutritional value make them a staple in various cuisines and Chinese food.

Allium cepa is the scientific name of Onions. Onion is one of the most consumed vegetables in the world. For farmers, onion farming can be a rewarding and profitable venture. In India, onion farming has a rich history, and it is a main crop for both domestic consumption and export.

This guide will provide insights into onion production and onion farming, types of onion, from choosing the right varieties to harvesting and storage techniques.

Onion Production

Onion production is a vital component of the agriculture industry, contributing significantly to global food markets. Onions are in high demand due to their flexibility and widespread cooking use. Successful onion production requires careful attention to soil quality, climate conditions, and proper crop management.

Farmers employing advanced farming practices, such as precision farming and efficient irrigation, can maximize onion production and quality. From well-drained soils to optimal planting depths, every detail matters in onion farming. Additionally, the types of onion, pest control measures, and timely harvesting play important roles in ensuring a plentiful harvest.

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Types of Onions

In India, onions are used in almost all dishes because it adds flavour and aroma to the dishes. There are several types of onions cultivated across the country, each with its unique characteristics. Here are a few types of onions found in India:

Red Onions: Red onions are grown in various states across India, including Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, and Uttar Pradesh. Red onions have purplish-red skin and a mild to sweet flavour. They are commonly used in salads, sandwiches, and Indian pickles.

Spring Onions: Spring onions are cultivated in various parts of India, including Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, and the hilly regions. Spring onions have long, green onion leaves and small white onions. They have a mild flavor and are often used in salads, garnishes, and Chinese cuisine.

Yellow Onions: Yellow onions are grown in states such as Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, and Uttar Pradesh. Yellow onions are widely used in Indian cooking for curries, soups, and stir-fries.

White Onions: White onions are cultivated in states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh. White onions have white or light yellow skin and a milder flavour compared to red onions. They are often used in salads, salsas, and Chinese cuisines.

Shallots: Shallots are grown in states like Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, and Maharashtra. Shallots have a sweet and mild flavour, making them popular in South Indian and Southeast Asian cuisines.

Pearl Onions: Also known as baby onions, pearl onions are small, round, and have a sweet flavour. They are often used in pickles and Indian dishes like sambar. Pearl onions are cultivated in states such as Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Andhra Pradesh.

The onions production is influenced by factors such as climate, soil conditions, and local preferences. Each type of onion contributes its unique taste and texture to the Indian cuisine.

** Best Soil for Onion Farming**

The ideal soil pH ranges from 6.5 to 7.5. Prepare the soil by ploughing and incorporating organic matter (such as farmyard manure or poultry manure) to enhance fertility. Onions grow in a variety of soils, from sandy loam to clay loam, as long as they have good drainage.

Climatic Conditions for Onion Growth

Onion crops require mild weather without extreme cold, heat, or excess rainfall. Here are the temperature ranges for different growth stages:

  • Vegetative stage: 13-24°C
  • Bulbing stage: 16-21°C
  • Maturity and harvest: 30-35°C

The onion-growing seasons in India are as follows:

  • Kharif Season (May-September): Onion only
  • Late Kharif Season (August-February): Onion only
  • Rabi Season (October-April): Onion and garlic

Field Preparation and Spacing for Onion Crop

Plough the land for good tillage. Incorporate organic matter during the last ploughing. Create flatbeds or broad-based furrows (BBF) for planting. The recommended spacing for onion plants/trees is 15 cm between rows and 10 cm within rows.

Irrigation Method for Onion Crop

Onion is primarily an irrigated crop. The frequency of irrigation is determined by weather conditions and soil type. When transplanting the seedlings, irrigate the field. On the third day after transplanting, give another irrigation.

Then, depending on the soil's wetness, irrigate every 10 to 15 days. Irrigate the field for 10 days before harvest. Avoid overwatering or underwatering, since both can have an impact on onion growth and development. A drip or sprinkler irrigation system can be considered for irrigation.

Crop Rotation and Mixed cropping

Consider cropping rotation to maintain soil health. During the first 5 months after planting sugarcane, onions can be planted as an intercrop. They can be grown in rotation with legumes, corn, brassicas, and solanaceous plants. Onions are feeders that can quickly deplete soil minerals. Rotating onions with legume crops can assist in replacing nitrogen in the soil.

Corn, on the other hand, is a non-host for onion pests and diseases, which can aid in the reduction of their buildup in the soil. Likewise, rotating brassica and solanaceous crops with onions can help to maintain soil health and minimize pest and disease buildup.

Harvesting Time for onion farming

Harvesting time is determined by the purpose for which the crop was cultivated. Harvesting time for dry onions is 5 months while harvesting time for green onions is 3 months after harvesting. The guideline for harvesting rabi onion is 50% of the neck/top falling over.

The bulbs are manually uprooted during harvesting. However, because the top does not fall over during the Kharif season, the sign of harvest is a shift in the colour of the leaves to a small yellow and red pigmentation on bulbs.

During summer, when the soil is hard, dig out the bulbs with a hand hoe. Spray the crop with Carbendazim 2 gm/lit of water to prevent the harvested onion from fungal infections after harvest. Once cured, the onions can be stored in a well-ventilated area.

It is critical to keep them in a well-ventilated environment to avoid mould and damage. If onions are properly cured and preserved, they can be kept for several months.

Diseases in Onion crop yield

Here are 10 common diseases that affect onion crops:

  • Damping off
  • Basal rot
  • Downy mildew
  • Stemphyllum Blight
  • Bacterial brown rot (Serious disease during storage)
  • Smut
  • White rot
  • Neck rot
  • Onion yellow dwarf Vector: Aphids
  • Irish Yellow Spot Virus Vector: Thrips

Onion: Is a Vegetable Or Fruit?

A vegetable is the edible part of a plant with a soft stem whereas a fruit is the mature ovary of a plant with a woody stem, typically containing seeds. Onions are considered as vegetables. They are a member of the Allium genus, which also includes garlic, shallots, leeks, and chives.

While onions are commonly used in savoury dishes and have a pungent flavour, they do not develop from the ovary of a flower like fruits typically do. Instead, onions grow as underground bulbs and are considered vegetables in edible terms.

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Onion farming, when performed with knowledge and care, can be a fulfilling and profitable venture for agriculture enthusiasts or farmers. From selecting the right types of onions to implementing effective cultivation and management practices, each step contributes to successful onion production.

Whether you’re a small-scale farmer or part of a large commercial firm, mastering onion cultivation can be rewarding. By following this comprehensive guide, aspiring onion producers can embark on a journey to cultivate not just onions but also a thriving agricultural enterprise.

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