Ad brings you, comparison of John Deere 5405 Trem IV 2WD, Standard DI 490, Mahindra NOVO 605 DI PP V1, and New Holland 5620 Tx Plus 4WD tractors.The ex - showroom price of John Deere 5405 Trem IV 2WD is 1197000, Standard DI 490 is 1090000, Mahindra NOVO 605 DI PP V1 is Not available, and New Holland 5620 Tx Plus 4WD is 1300000. John Deere 5405 Trem IV 2WD has engine capacity of NA CC offering 63 HP, Standard DI 490 has engine capacity of NA CC offering 90 HP, Mahindra NOVO 605 DI PP V1 has engine capacity of NA CC offering 60 HP, and New Holland 5620 Tx Plus 4WD has engine capacity of NA CC offering 65 HP.
The John Deere 5405 Trem IV 2WD has a lifting capacity of 2000-2500 Kg, Standard DI 490 has a lifting capacity of 1800 Kg, Mahindra NOVO 605 DI PP V1 has a lifting capacity of 2700 Kg, and New Holland 5620 Tx Plus 4WD has a lifting capacity of 2000 Kg. Additionally, you can also find comparisons of these tractors based on no. of cylinders, engine type, performance, warranty, and many more. Comparison between these tractors have been carried out to help you make the correct buying decision between John Deere 5405 Trem IV 2WD, Standard DI 490, Mahindra NOVO 605 DI PP V1, and New Holland 5620 Tx Plus 4WD.
Key Highlights | John Deere 5405 Trem IV 2WD | ,Standard DI 490 | ,Mahindra NOVO 605 DI PP V1 | ,New Holland 5620 Tx Plus 4WD |
Price | 1197000 | 1090000 | NA | 1300000 |
Horse Power | 63 HP | 90 HP | 60 HP | 65 HP |
Engine Capacity | NA Cc | NA Cc | NA Cc | NA Cc |
Lifiting Capacity | 2000-2500 Kg | 1800 Kg | 2700 Kg | 2000 Kg |
Fuel Type | Diesel | Diesel | Diesel | Diesel |
Horse Power (HP)
Reverse Gears
Forward Gears
Clutch Type
Air Filter
PTO Power (HP)
Transmission Type
Engine Capacity (cc)
Engine Type (cc)
No of Cylinders
Forward Speed (Kmph)
Reverse Speed (Kmph)
Lifting Capacity (Kg)
3 point Linkage
Total Weight (kg)
Ground Clearance
Turning Radius (mm)
Fuel Tank Capacity
Front Tyre Size
Rear Tyre Size
Wheel Drive
AC Cabin
Power Steering
Basic Warranty
Every Tractor is best in its respective area. John Deere 5405 Trem IV 2WD with 63 HP and NA CC comes at a price of 1197000,Standard DI 490 with 90 HP and NA CC comes at a price of 1090000,Mahindra NOVO 605 DI PP V1 with 60 HP and NA CC comes at a price of Price coming soon, and New Holland 5620 Tx Plus 4WD with 65 HP and NA CC comes at a price of 1300000
John Deere 5405 Trem IV 2WD price starts at 1197000,Standard DI 490 price starts at 1090000,Mahindra NOVO 605 DI PP V1 price starts at Price coming soon, and New Holland 5620 Tx Plus 4WD price starts at 1300000
Wheel drive of John Deere 5405 Trem IV 2WD is 2 WD,Standard DI 490 is 4 WD,Mahindra NOVO 605 DI PP V1 is 4 WD, and New Holland 5620 Tx Plus 4WD is 4 WD
John Deere 5405 Trem IV 2WD is capable of lifting 2000-2500 Kg,Standard DI 490 is capable of lifting 1800 Kg,Mahindra NOVO 605 DI PP V1 is capable of lifting 2700 Kg, and New Holland 5620 Tx Plus 4WD is capable of lifting 2000 Kg
John Deere 5405 Trem IV 2WD has 12 Forward + 4 Reverse,Standard DI 490 has 12 forward + 10 Reverse,Mahindra NOVO 605 DI PP V1 has 15 Forward + 15 Reverse/15 Forward + 3 Reverse, and New Holland 5620 Tx Plus 4WD has 12 Forward + 3 Reverse
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